Ffrindiau Pwll Coch
All parents, guardians and teachers of children at Ysgol Pwll Coch are automatically members of the Parent Teacher Association (“Ffrindiau Pwll Coch”)
The role of the PTA is to organise social events and raise funds to support the pupils’ education. In addition to the fundraising we are passionate about creating a school community and supporting and celebrating our diverse and multi-cultural school.
Ffrindiau PC is run by the parents who meet regularly during the term – teachers and even the head regularly attend these meetings and there will be a warm welcome to anyone who would like to come along.
The committee is elected at the Annual General Meeting.
Our Current Chair is Non Stevens and Vice chair is Luned Jones.
A representative from amongst the parents in every class is also elected to act as a link between the parents and the committee.
We always welcome new members and are more than happy to listen to new fundraising ideas.
For more information on our current fundraising events keep an eye out for announcements on Schoop, class whatssapp groups and our social media pages.
Facebook – Ffrindiau Pwll Coch
Over the last few years we have contributed funds towards the Clwb Cwtsh, brand new School Library and experiences in the Expressive Arts…to name but a few!
Please support Ffrindiau Pwll Coch – Diolch.